Sunday, February 27, 2005

Redemption Song by Bob Marley

Quite possibly the best song ever...

Old pirates, yes, they rob us;
Sold I to the merchant ships,
Minutes after they took I
From the bottomless pit.
But my hand was made strong
By the hand of the Almighty.
We forward in this generation

Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom?
'Cause all I ever have:
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs.

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;
None but ourselves can free our minds.
Have no fear for atomic energy,
'Cause none of them can stop the time.
How long shall they kill our prophets,
While we stand aside and look? Ooh!
Some say it's just a part of it:
We've got to fulfill the book.

Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom?
'Cause all I ever have:
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs.

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery;
None but ourselves can free our mind.
Wo! Have no fear for atomic energy,
'Cause none of them can stop the time.
How long shall they kill our prophets,
While we stand aside and look?
Yes, some say it's just a part of it:
We've got to fulfill the book.

Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom?
'Cause all I ever had:
Redemption songs
All I ever had:
Redemption songs:
These songs of freedom,
Songs of freedom.


At 11:57 AM, Blogger Sara said...

none but ourselves can free our mind...

with the magic voice of Bob Marley,
I love this song..

At 8:11 PM, Blogger iandoh said...

amen, "magic voice" is so apt.

At 6:39 PM, Blogger Patrick Barry Barr said...

Marcus Mosiah Garvey; Claude MacKay; Bob Marley. Jamaica has birthed some powerful voices in the struggle for freedom.

It was good to see the lyrics to one of Bob's most famous songs on your blog. It's interesting that many of us Jamaicans never take the time to study the words of this great song. And please, don't ask me about our national anthem either.


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