Tuesday, August 31, 2004

First time birdwatching

OK, went birdwatching for the first time on Sunday. Identified a common moorhen, white pelican, and an american coot.

I used to think mourning doves were the best, since it was the only bird I knew how to identify and greeted me every morning as I go to my car. Saw a bunch of them on Sunday so kind of takes away from their coolness. Still, it's the first bird I learned to identify.

Oh yeah, welcome to my blog.


At 11:40 PM, Blogger iandoh said...

also, you saw a hovering kite searching for its dinner, and a small flock of white pelicans. not to mention both the adult AND juvenile forms of the common moorhen, which are quite distinct. and seagulls silouetted against the crimson sky. and mosquitoes: buzzzzzzz...


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