Geography novice
My score: 2 out of 10, I am a "geography novice", doh! Give it a shot, see how you do at the Geography Olympics.
Blog blog yeah...
My score: 2 out of 10, I am a "geography novice", doh! Give it a shot, see how you do at the Geography Olympics.
The mourning dove waits
Check out "Dear Prudence" clipping from Slate. Related link is North American Defense against Squirrels (NADS).
Went birding in the woods for the first time. Identified acorn woodpecker and california quail. Probable identification of california towhee, black-capped chickadee, and bushtit. Kim calls the california towhee "little rusty butt".
Ok, went back hoping to verify whether bird from last time was indeed a white-tailed kite. By the time a similar bird came out, it was too dark for identification. New identification was black phoebe.